NFT News
NFT Launch Video

Tavii Warrior:
Fierce and loyal, these praying mantis like humanoids make their debut appearance after hatching from an enormous ootheca. They are featured with the 4 moons of Erogoth and are named:
The Dread The Hawk
The Gash The Mage
Blood Wolf:
Vicious and cunning, these canines have been infected with a disease that significantly increases their strength and appetite. The effect of the disease is appalling and morphs those infected into a horrifying abomination.
Hill Giant:
These creatures range from 9.5 to 11 feet tall and possess tremendous strength. They are dim-witted and quite abundant in Erogoth.
Release Date: TBD
Gnoll Raider:
These humanoid creatures tend to travel in large clans, and are somehow related to the hyena. They are ill-tempered and mean, and they torture the prisoners they take before eating them. This creature is also abundant in Erogoth.
Release Date: TBD